08 June 2009

Last day in Irkutsk

This is our last day in Irkutsk and almost the last in Russia ... today we just relaxed, tried to find new sleeping bags (unsuccessful) as we are now heading towards Mongolia where the nights are cold.
Tonight we are heading to UlaanBaatar, the capital city of Mongolia where we will stay for a few weeks.

So What to say about Russia ?
Quite hard to describe such a different culture, also, you need to get to know the people to appreciate them too ...

Couple of things we will definitely remember:

- Language very hard to understand and learn
- Politeness at the counters, cashiers ... (NOT)
- Mayonnaise in all salads, condensed milk on cookies and cakes ... also known as toffee ????
- The girls very fit and always wearing extra high hills (20cm)
- The army boys everywhere
- Marchoutka always full ...

But the last and not least ... the good friends we have made along the way who have helped us discover St Petersburg city's culture and history by Lyubomir and Olga, PeterHoff by Irina, Sacha and Rustam, Moscow's inhabitant DIY skills by Dmitry and Lena, Russian hospitality and generosity with Spike and Alexander, Great camping and medicine skills by Olga, Dmitry and Alexander (the Survivor) ... and all the other friendly and generous people we have met.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Rosing & Tomas,
    Good luck in your trip! :)
    If it's possible, please do not stop describe you journey. It's so interesting for us!

    Dmitry & Olga & Alexander
